Planning Landscaping for Firefighters

Planning Landscaping for Firefighters

Aug 23, 2021 / By : / Category : Uncategorized

Homeowners don’t usually think of plants when discussing fire safety. However, careful landscape and décor planning can help prevent fires. Choosing to decorate with fire-resistant plants will help to ensure a safer home environment. Here are three tips that will help increase fire safety in the home and a recommended plant care app, which may assist with the planning.


Develop fire-resistant areas designed to mitigate damage with decks, stones, or patios. Zones are essential to fire fighting, ensuring that there is minimal chance for spread. By using non-combustible structures and non-flammable ground material for cover, a homeowner increases the structure’s odds of survival. The purpose of zones is to clear the area around the home, creating a defensible space for firefighters to work, if necessary. This is especially important for homes within forestry areas. By removing flammable elements, such as trees and brush, the house has a better chance of survival. In addition, creating breaks and using less-flammable vegetation helps to reduce the possibility of damage.


Choosing fire-resistant plants with low resin and high-moisture content may create fire breaks. Fire-retardant plants, such as Aloe, also serve to resist combustion. Unfortunately, fire-proof plants and trees do not exist. However, a homeowner may fight fires in advance by choosing natural elements, which are less susceptible to fire. Other fire-fighting plants include sycamore trees and morning glory. In addition, plants with significant salt content and low oil content offer better resistance to embers.

Ice Plant

Ice Plants are water-rich and tolerant of droughts. They will grow in light shading or the sun, requiring minimal water to survive.


Agave plant leaves are saturated with water, making the plant fire-resistant. It grows well in the sun.

Day Lily Hybrids

Pest resistant day lily hybrids grow well in adverse weather and flourish in the sun.


Residents who live in high-temperature areas like California and Nevada share responsibility for ensuring landscaping meets fire-wise standards. Researching is an essential aspect of living responsibly in these areas. Knowing what not to plant is just as important as knowing which plants are fire fighters. In general, homeowners should avoid Juniper trees or any oily trees and shrubs if living in an area regularly beset with forest fires. Removing all dead vegetation, waste, and leaves helps to prevent combustion. Maintenance is just as necessary as planning.

Protecting the home is essential in high-drought areas. Homeowners need to plan landscaping to ensure that firefighters have room to work and to add fire-fighting plants to help reduce the damage, if necessary. In addition, creating fire-fighting landscaping zones and planting fire-resistant plants help to ensure a safer living environment for homes in forest-like surroundings.
