Clothing Recomendations for Women on the Fireline

Clothing Recomendations for Women on the Fireline

Feb 01, 2025 / By : / Category : Fire Fighting

Being a firefighter is not an easy job. Indeed, you will be dealing with real fire, and a single mistake could result in a disaster. One of the things you must get right is clothing. As a female firefighter, let’s look at how and what to wear underneath your yellow.


A good bra will provide great support, helping to keep your breasts snug and preventing movement. You will perhaps love high impact sports bras from Aim’n since they are great for working out and can effectively pull a double duty when you’re on the fireline. These bras are typically made from soft material for a cotton feel on your skin and come in various sizes for every fit. You can also choose a high impact sports bra colour of your taste. Other activewear you may need as a firefighter include leggings and hipsters.


Your best bet is to wear long socks, taller than boots, so they don’t slip down. Choose materials that dry quickly and won’t develop odours. They should also be able to withstand both hot and cold temperatures.

Hence, female firefighters, like their male counterparts, should dress appropriately for the job. This is not only for their comfort but also for their safety.
